Monday, October 09, 2006


OMG Cat how old are you ?? Like ummm forty something.....teehee....

I remember the first time I met you, you were so insistant in moving into my flat, that I really had no choice but to accept you. Man you were so pushy....I thought how can I not say no to this person and well Cam and I were going on a holiday and I needed someone in there ASAP, and you were it. Since you've been with me it has been a great pleasure having you as my, not only my flatmate, but a really good friend....and chef....hehehe. Your english is getting better and your maori, ummm lets not go there......the word "bloody" comes to mind, cos I've never heard a Chinese person, say the word so many times in one sentence, and don't you dare blame that on me....hahaha.

Anyway Xioming (Grace) have a wonderful, wonderful, b'day and I hope it will be as special as any other !!

Nat alias: Nancy, Molly, Ning Nong......blah blah blab

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

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