Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Our Fab Night Out.....!!

Jen and Nat......
My best friend and I spent an amazing night together while I was on a business trip in Auckland. It was a night for J & N...She was over from London visiting her family. We met at the Marytimes Museum. We had a bitta time to spare so went to a bar that overlooked the harbour. It was amazing !! Lovely warm day, outside on the balcony over the water...it was gorgeous. We both love wine and knowing I had a business meeting the following day didn't stop me from drinking a tasty pinot noir. Jen had something surprisingly amazing in store for me. We set off to our next destination...hmmmm I wonder...she led me into this bizaar open kinda shop thing. To the left of me were thick furry boots, and woolley coats, gloves and socks. Quite confused, she asked me to sit there and don't move. The next thing we were putting on the boots, coats, socks and gloves....OOookkk. We were then led into a bloody freezer stocked with a bar made of ice, ice statues, ice seats, ice glasses. It was bloody COLD!! Even with the outfits we had on I could still feel the cold. I asked the barman how cold it was in here. He said, minus 15 degrees. I wanted out...noooo. Well not after the cocktail I was handed. OMG..it was the best ever. We both had 3 each and were only to stay in the freezer for 25mins. I was warming up pretty good by now. We took photo's it was fab !! It was time to leave, we both walked out of the freezer and the heat that hit us...woooohoooo !! Bloody AWESOME !! We were famished so we decided to walk, waddle, trip over to a Thai restaurant. That ended the night just right. A bottle of red and b'ful Thai meal. Hey Jen, a night I will never forget !! Thank you so much for the awesome wee gift, our photo together in a bloody big refridgerator....Hugs and luv ya lots !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.