Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Whanau (Family)

I have 4 children. Kellum-Alec, the eldest 22, Sven Eru Tipene 16, Lakyn-Teree 12, Kerryn-Cole 10. They're all good kids. We've had our ups and downs...teenagers, sometimes ya wish they were still babies. There are so many temptations for teenage kids these days u wonder sometimes how u as a parent can contend with such things as drugs and alcohol, gangs, prostitution etc...u can only guide them u can't lead them to water and make them drink it. My advice is to let them know how much u love them and that u will always be there for them without a doubt. Support them in what ever they do !! Theres not a day that goes by where I have never told my children that I don't love them....its amazing what that word LOVE means to a child....Very strong word to have in this day and age...

1 comment:

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