Sunday, June 11, 2006


This is a picture of my nephew and my son. Tip on the left and his cuzzin Matt over on holiday from England. They are both the same age. We had to laugh at this pic. Tip towering over his cuzzin. Tip stands at 6ft2 and wee Matt 5ft8...... I had to tell Matt that we kiwi's breed our boys big here. He's an avid football fan, typical English boy, where as Tips life revolves around rugby, basketball and cricket. We took him to a game of rugby, his words were, I would just hand the ball to them and run in the opposite direction....hilarious !! We were watching an under 11 game...he couldn't believe the size of the kids even at that age. :-) He leaves for home tomorrow, back to the airport again....gawd !! He wants to stay in NZ...He totally loves it here, apart from Rotorua... hahaha....can't get use to the smell....what a crack up !! Its been absolutely great having you here Matt. Have a wonderful trip back to the other side of the world !! aunty Nat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!