Friday, July 28, 2006

Can't be bothered really....

WELL YOU JUST CAN'T WIN CAN YA???Bloody hilarious. :-)
To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Holy Cow

Just looking at this pic has put me off beef and steak anyway. So yea
To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Day is here...

Well off to the airport again today to see my son and grandson to Liverpool. My eldest son brought up with his nanny and papa in a very small rural area in the middle of the North Island. Over the last few days we have been reminising about those times, a few laughs and lots of tears. A couple weeks ago we travelled back to the country. Its a Maori tradition to take the placenta home. My son buried the placenta on top of my mum and dad who passed away quite a few years ago. We do this as a ritural, so that one day Tamati will know, in his heart and his blood, thats where his dad and great grandparents are from and there will alwayz be that desire to return home. I am so proud of my son for making such a difficult decision to proceed with his plans. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make as he has always been around family.

Kia Kaha mo matou tinana tamaiti. Me te aroha korua. Aroha-tino-nui mum.

(Be strong son. Love to you both, all my love mum)

My grandson Tamati is now 2 months old. Its not easy for me to say goodbye as Tamati being my first grandchild and the first great grandchild. My b'ful grandson, you will always be the light in all our hearts back home here in New Zealand. Our prayers and blessings go with you both as you travel to new and wonderous adventures.

Lots of hugs sweetheart !!

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To Date:

I've been having pretty much an up and down emotional roller coaster ride over the last few months. Its been fun...well no it hasn't so I've put all my positive energies into my blog....anyway reading my star sign this morning. Well heres what it ses. Sometimes I despise being born a Leo....We must have the worse attitude out of all the star signs. Gawd...I'm feeling sorry for myself, but apparently thats what we do, so I won't feel sorry for myself, I'm a very strong willed person, thats what we are, so I'm not gonna be strong willed but strong within myself to get over the turmoils I'm having at this moment. Anyway read this and it was something nice, that made me look at things in a positive light....

You have really done your best at sorting out a particular issue and still there seems to be others who just cannot be satisfied. This month leave well alone what is now out of your sphere of influence; Saturn's connections to your sign have been tough going and you could really do with a little light relief, which is finally coming your way. Yes, you could be making life changing decisions this month, but chances are they are the right ones. You have known it in your heart for long enough - now is the time to tell the world.

I do believe I'm gonna be ok !!

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm a Sex Goddess...WooHoo !!

A friend of mine sent this questionair and it involved doing these little tests. For example, What kind of Kisser are you? Another one was What type of Lover are you? It was quite amazing actually....Anyway I'm suppose to be a 'Playful Kisser' hahaha thats about sums me up on the kissing catagory. The other is and I couldn't believe it but read this....I think its hilarious but TRUE: !!!!
A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken! The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being, Persephone, Goddess of the Night, a woman in touch with her deepest inner desires.As the most sexual of all the female deities, you are very comfortable in the bedroom. Your skill at pleasing a man is unmatched, and you know exactly what you need for your own pleasure. As a woman of passion, you're very comfortable with expressing your desires to anyone. You are a proud and confident woman who exudes sensuality. You cherish the intimacy of physical attraction and know what it takes to win a man. As a woman deeply in touch with your sexuality, you definitely know how to thoroughly enjoy yourself! Your polished bedroom performance always keeps them coming back for more. When everything is going right, a light shines down from the heavens. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess !!!

Woohoo.....Oh c'mon ya gotta believe it !! Its absolutely true !!! ET !!

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Yayy its Friday !!

I think he's so cute don't ya think so..............awwww watta coottie !!
Well its been one hell of a couple of weeks. Things piling on top of one another. Hmmm I need a holiday and quick !! Arr well off to another conference in Australia. Don't think they'll let me into the country after what I said re: rugby.....Ooops no, I've cancelled that, got some important stuff to attend to, damn Health crap, maybe I can put that aside, not looking forward to more probing and using my body as a pin cushion....argghh, ouch....don't like needles...(sob, sob)....

Have a nice weekend guyz and girls... !! I'm gonna have a bottle of Queen Adelaide Pinot Noir (yea yea Ozzie Red)....I deserve it, haven't had a whip of that for over 3 wks, wow chalk that up...sheesh, I'm losing it...

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Quote : Friends

William Shakespare wrote:

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.

He was considered one of the worlds most famous writers in world literature.

I guess you're wondering what on earth am I doing writing quotations from the infamous William Shakespare. I am such a fan of his literature. Every now and then I like to read some of them, it helps me to relax and take my mind of other things that constantly plague me. Wonderful and spectacular mind he had.

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

My Nephew does it for his Grand Uncle !!

He couldn't make it home for the funeral. So he put it all into the haka
that night. His cultural back ground expressed deeply on his face. His dedication to his grand uncle Kolly was entire respect.

No HAND BAGS on this Maori Boy !! Shove that in your Ozzy pipe and smoke on it........


To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Welly Scenery